How do I buy and sell shares?
How many shareholders are there in Prestige Assurance Plc and where are they located?
What is the registered share capital?
What is the nominal value of the Prestige Assurance share?
How can I check my shareholding?
When is the dividend paid?
May I vote by proxy at the General Meeting?
When was Prestige listed at NSE for trading?
How do I buy and sell shares ?
Prestige Assurance Plc shares are traded at The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE).
Purchase and sell orders should be given to your stockbroker.
If you wish to be a registered shareholder, you may contact our Registrar:
First Registrars & Investors Services Limited
Plot 2, Abebe Village Road,
P. M. B. 12692,
Tel: 234-1-2799880, 2701078, 2701079
Fax: 234-1-2701071, 2701072
E-mail:- info@firstregistrarsnigeria.
How many shareholders are there in Prestige Assurance Plc ?
How many shareholders are there in Prestige Assurance Plc and where are they located?
Prestige Assurance shareholders comprises both Nigerians residence within the country as well as foreigners within and outside Nigeria.
At 31st December 2016, the shares register showed 8,418 registered shareholders and institutional shareholders represented 91.04% of the stock, while private individual investors made up 8.96%.
What is the registered share capital ?
The registered share capital as at 31st December 2016 is N2,685,216,140.
The number of registered shares amounts to 5,370,432,281 with a nominal value of N0.50k each.
What is nominal value of Prestige share
The nominal value is N 0.50k.
How can I check my shareholding ?
How can I check my shareholding?
You can check your holding at any time by contacting your stockbroker or the registrars.
When is the dividend paid ?
Dividends are paid once a year. However, dividend payment is subject to the Company’s financial performance and the Board of Directors approval.
May I vote by proxy at the General Meeting ?
If you do not wish to attend the General Meeting in person, you can be represented by
- the independent representative
- another shareholder
- a third party.
When was Prestige listed at NSE for trading ?
Shares of “Prestige Assurance Plc” were listed at the Nigeria Stock Exchange on December 3, 1990.